Technology » Computer Programming

Computer Programming

Introduction  to STEM:
Computer Programming

Instructor :Ms Froehlich


This quarter course introduces the students to different programming languages that are the building blocks of both web sites and software applications, as well as, the internal hardware components of the computer. 



Students will develop their critical thinking skills through problem solving and trouble-shooting their programs.
Students will develop programming skills while learning to code using MIT SCRATCH, MIT App Inventor, Google's Pencil Code  and Alice from Carnegie Mellon

Computer Programming

Instructor : Ms. Froehlich

This is a full year course in which the students will work with different programming languages to understand the use of programming constructs to develop and implement elegant programs. 


Students will develop their computational thinking skills,while developing and creating their own programs utilizing an iterative process. 
Students will be introduced to UC Berkeley's SNAP, Carnegie Mellon's Alice and University of Kent's Greenfoot


Advanced Computer Programming

Instructor : Ms. Froehlich

This is the second Year course in computer science track.  Students will continue to develop their computational and problem solving skills while learning, Alice, Greenfoot and Java from Oracle Academy.