Guidance / Counseling Services

Mission Statement
The Counseling Department of East Orange STEM Academy will embolden all students to become self-actualized individuals who can thrive in a global society. Our students will reach their full potential by using the components of our comprehensive counseling program that address career, academic, and personal/social goals. We will create an environment that inspires personal growth, social responsibility, and academic excellence. As School Counselors, we believe that students flourish when families, schools and communities work together.
To provide each student and his/her parents, guardians, and families with an advising system that facilitates the acquisition of student skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in college and/or the workforce.
Main Number 973-266-5900
Counselor workload is based on the student's last name.
Mr. Joseph Recine (A-H)
973-266-5900 Ext.52027
Mr. Raymond Schuyler (I-P)
973-266-5900 Ext.52009
Ms. Trene' Barksdale (Q-Z)
973-266-5900 Ext. 52010
East Orange STEM Academy Scholars and Families,
We are excited to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. The counseling team at STEM Academy looks forward to working with you and your child(ren) as we embark on a new school year. Our main role as School Counselors is to be an advocate for your child; while working collaboratively with parents, students, teachers, administrators and the community as a whole. We also serve as educational specialists who assist with academic, career development, and personal/social growth in conjunction with a dedication to Social-emotional learning (SEL) in order to help improve scholars' academic performance, curtail bullying, reduce dropout rates, and build character. The goals of the East Orange STEM Academy counseling program are: · To assist students with future goal planning · To develop personalized programs based on each student’s strengths and needs · To help students understand themselves and others · To assist students in identifying and dealing with problems · To provide crisis intervention when necessary · To coordinate referrals to school and community support services · To serve as a resource for students, parents, teachers and administrators If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the guidance department using the provided contact information. We are ready and excited to work with you and your child(ren). Sincerely,STEM Academy Counseling Department